Is Digital Marketing Worth It For My Business?


We live in a digital world, which means digital marketing is more important than ever for businesses.

If you don’t take your business online, you miss out on valuable interactions between you and your customers. And because of this, you might be losing business to your competitors.

What Are Digital Marketing Agencies In US Doing?

The stats tell us that digital marketing agencies in US have spent approx. $356 billion in digital advertising in 2020 alone and the figure is projected to rise to $460 billion by the year 2024.

Suppose you are still not sure if you should involve the internet in your marketing strategy. I have some reasons for you to consider about why you should.

To make sure we are on the same page, ill quickly go over what marketing on the internet is and what strategies can be a part of digital marketing.

What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the umbrella term for a bunch of online strategies that help promote a business online.

Marketing over the internet can be broken into a ton of different approaches, but some of the most fundamental aspects of internet marketing are:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO): This deals with optimizing a website to show up in the search engines.
  • Pay-per-click advertising (PPC): Are online ads you only pay for when users click on your ads.
  • Social media marketing: Which uses numerous social networks to engage with customers.
  • Content Marketing: Creating written content, videos, images, graphics, and more to engage your target audience.

Why Digital Marketing Matters For Businesses?

Digital marketing is one of the most efficient and effective ways for businesses to connect with their target audiences.

Through online platforms such as social media, websites, and email marketing, businesses can communicate with current and potential customers in a way that is personalized and relevant to them.

Digital marketing also allows businesses to track how well their campaigns are performing to make changes and improvements as needed.

Overall, digital marketing is an essential tool for businesses of all sizes to help them reach their goals and objectives.

So, we have laid the foundation. Now, let us build on it with reasons for why you should use digital marketing.

No Need To Push For Attention:

Digital marketing is one of the most efficient and effective ways for businesses to connect with their target audiences.

Through online platforms such as social media, websites, and email marketing, businesses can communicate with current and potential customers in a way that is personalized and relevant to them.

Digital marketing also allows businesses to track how well their campaigns are performing to make changes and improvements as needed.

Overall, digital marketing is an essential tool for businesses of all sizes to help them reach their goals and objectives.

So, we have laid the foundation. Now, let us build on it with reasons for why you should use digital marketing.

No need to push for attention: Digital marketing reaches people when they are looking for information. With traditional advertising, many people have seen and heard things such as billboards, radio ads, and TV ads. This makes it a good portion of people who are not interested in what you are pushing.

These billboards and TV ads do reach many people, but these tools do not target audiences intensely. The effort requires a lot of pushing actually to get customers buying from you.

With digital marketing, businesses are not required to push extensively. The goal is to have the content, landing pages, product pages, video guides, etc., ready when people want to find your business or something you offer.

Did you know that in 2020 search advertising spending reached a figure of $104.8 billion worldwide, and the search market share of Google and Baidu reached 85.86% and 74.37%?

It’s not about whether Google is more prominent than Baidu, but rather about the magnitude of people searching for products and services online. It is an observed and tested fact that digital marketing allows people to come to your business instead of constantly pushing if the right content is available.

Let’s assume you are a digital marketing agency in US, and have to manage an e-commerce store that sells car parts. You regularly publish helpful guides that help to bring people to the right product for their needs. Someone looking for advice on what to buy finds your guide with a quick Google search and at the end sees you have the exact part they need.

What a coincidence!

Your business was in the right place at the right time and ended up getting a sale because you used digital marketing to have content on your website that converts.

Isn’t that just magical?

Engage At Every Level

With digital marketing, you can reach people at the beginning of their journeys, all the way to after they have made the purchase.

Digital marketing presents you the opportunity to use a marketing funnel to gauge people’s buying process.

The digital marketing funnel

At the top of that funnel, people lie in the awareness phase, usually looking for assistance with general questions like, “What is a muffler?” or “How do I change my oil?”. You might not immediately get a sale from such a customer, but you do get your brand in their minds.

Next, we move to the middle of the funnel. In this part of the funnel, customers are considering their options, and it’s your job to help them make the right decision. Hopefully, ending with a purchase from your business.

Maybe someone is not sure what type of muffler their car needs. If you have content explaining the benefits of different types of mufflers, which is a big help in their search.

Finally, there is the bottom of the marketing funnel, where people are ready to make a purchase. Things like testimonials, reviews, and case studies can help guide people through the rest of the funnel. This content should give people confidence in your product or service.

Maybe someone is almost ready to purchase from you, but they are not sure about the quality. They see some positive reviews on social media and a case study about the durability of your product, and they finish their purchase.

Suppose someone does not entirely make it to the purchase stage or starts a purchase and jumps ship halfway through. As a digital marketing agency in US, you can still use remarketing ads to remind them that your business is here for them.

See the difference?

If we look at the classical marketing model, people will only visit your physical store when they have decided to buy. But with digital marketing, you can provide valuable content at every level to engage.

Your business can guide people from the awareness phase to the purchase phase with some key touchpoints. Not only this, but digital marketing also allows you to keep your customers engaged even after they make the purchase.

Data Becomes Your Best Friend

Data lets you adjust campaigns for maximum effectiveness. The beauty of digital marketing being carried out on the internet is that you can take advantage of your campaigns’ data.

For the research stage of your marketing strategy, there are so many tools available to you. These tools and software help you find targeted keywords, analyze your competitor’s data, and put together the best action plan.

Once your campaigns are ready and ongoing, you can see:

  • The pages on your website are driving the most conversions
  • The pages causing people to bounce off your website
  • Efficacy of your ads
  • The number of people looking at your social posts.

These are just some of the options for data analysis. In actuality, there is so much more information. But to have the best impact, you need to understand what result you want from a particular campaign and how you will achieve it.

Plus, if you see that your strategy isn’t working, you can make adjustments. At the end of any campaign, you can analyze all the data you have received and make informed decisions about where to take your business next.

Doesn’t Break The Budget

Digital marketing works for your budget. If we are talking about digital ads, you can set a budget and chose a bidding strategy based on your campaign goals so that you can achieve the best results for your business.

With a platform like Google Ads, digital marketing agencies in US or from anywhere in the world can even use smart bidding to automate the bidding process.

You can choose from options like:

  • Target cost per action
  • Target return on ad spend
  • Maximize conversions

Depending on how much data your account has with the platform.

Activities like SEO, content marketing, and social media management strategy for b2b business don’t have an associated cost unless you assign a value to how much time you spend on them or purchase any tools.

Of course, hiring digital marketing agencies in US to do SEO, content management, and social media management services comes with a cost. Still, it saves significant time since a lot of work goes into each strategy.

Nonetheless, all of these strategies have the potential to pay off in the end.

Final Thoughts

The digital marketing umbrella is enormous, and while you don’t have to take advantage of every aspect, you should at least do some form of internet marketing for your business. It’s a proven way to drive business growth and generate revenue.

If you decide to partner with any professional digital marketing agency in Houston , don’t be afraid to do the research and establish contact with an agency that suits your requirements the most.

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