Google Ranking Factors for Lawyers

chapter google ranking factors for lawyers
Increasing your law firm’s online visibility using SEO services for lawyers necessitates a thorough grasp of Google’s ranking algorithm.

This chapter explains how you may enhance your website. This is to gain higher rankings for the keywords relevant to your legal practice. As you become more acquainted with Google’s ranking criteria, you’ll be able to speed up the optimization process and attain organic results.

Keep in mind that each search engine has its unique ranking algorithm. We believe Google’s ranking factors are the most important because they are the leader. Other search engines typically follow Google’s example and employ similar criteria to rank their search engine result pages (SERPs).
chapter seo for lawyers guide

Chapter 1

SEO For Lawyers

chapter google ranking factors

Chapter 2

Google Ranking Factors

chapter content marketing

Chapter 3

Content Marketing

chapter keyword research

Chapter 4

Keyword Research

chapter on-page seo

Chapter 5

On-page SEO

chapter technical seo

Chapter 6

Technical SEO

chapter link building

Chapter 7

Link Building

chapter site structure

Chapter 8

Site Structure

chapter domain authority 2.0

Chapter 9

Domain Authority 2.0

chapter local seo

Chapter 10

Local SEO

How Google Ranking Factors Play an Effective Role for Law Firms

As an attorney, you know the need for SEO in a law firm. According to polls, most people who want legal advice begin their search online. As a result, attorney SEO marketing is critical for your company’s success. To become an SEO expert for attorneys, you must first understand the criteria that Google uses to rank web pages and law firm websites.

There are a plethora of website metrics that you can analyze. Google Analytics allows you to monitor over 200 variables. However, not all of them are considered by Google when ranking your web pages and sites.

Google’s algorithms are guarded secrets, and Google makes adjustments to them regularly. However, Google engineers have offered some ranking variables, and lawyer SEO specialists have discovered others through thorough research.

The following are some of the categories of Google ranking elements:
  1. Domain and Site Factors
  2. Page Factors (SEO).
  3. Backlink Factors

1 — Domain and Site Factors

domain and site factors
The following are factors that Google takes into account when evaluating domains and websites:
  • Demonstrate expertise, trustworthiness, and authority
  • As Google may not be able to crawl your website correctly, a sitemap will assist it in examining your website
  • The website is designed with mobile users in mind
  • With minimal downtime, you can make significant changes
  • Content is refreshed regularly
The most important consideration is the existence of original, up-to-date, and valuable material. If a website has helpful, relevant content loads more slowly than another, Google may rank it highly.

2 — Page Factors

on page seo factors for google algorithm
On-page SEO can assist you in getting your pages to rank higher in search results. On-page SEO for lawyers is effective if done correctly:
  • Google sees your page more quickly if you use optimized headers and meta tags. These help Google understand what your page is all about.
  • The keyword should also be included in the meta description, which can improve the click-through rate.
  • Longer and more complete content – According to one research, web pages that appear at the top of search results have an average length of 1400 words.
  • To assist Google is scanning your page, a linked table of contents is provided.
  • Including the keyword in the first 100 words of a webpage.

User Experience

UX is a term that refers to the user experience (UX) of your website and material. If you have a good UX, visitors will effortlessly go through your buyer’s journey.

When people arrive at your site, they’ll be able to discover precisely what they’re looking for right away. You’ll immediately address concerns that might cause visitors to become confused and leave prematurely.

User experience became even more essential in Google’s Page Experience Update, released in 2021. How significant is it? Only content and links have more weight among legal SEO experts and specialists.

According to Google, the content will always be the king, but “page experience becomes much more essential for search visibility” due to numerous pages providing comparable information.

There are several indicators to evaluate your user experience. You should pay close attention to the bounce rate and dwell time.

Bounce rate is the proportion of individuals that leave your website after viewing one page. You want this to be as low as feasible. A high bounce rate might indicate a bad user experience. Visitors spend more time on pages with a longer dwell time. A lengthy dwell time indicates that your content is highly relevant and exciting.

Consider performing an audit on your law firm’s website. This will assist you in understanding how quickly your website loads, how responsive it is, and how stable it is for visitors.

A good UX design of your website empowers visitors to locate what they need while also directing them to the next stage of their journey without difficulty. The more effective your UX design, the more engaging your website will be, and the longer people will stay on it.

Quality Content

Your website’s content must be “high quality” if it is to be submitted to search engines appealingly. To create high-quality material, research keywords, and optimize each page for onsite SEO (covered in later sections).

The reader’s intent should also be considered when creating content. To put it another way, ensure you know what prospects search for when they go online. What do they want to accomplish? What is their objective when options enter search terms and queries on Google?

There are three types of search intent:
  1. Commercial: The consumer is looking for answers or acting on the internet to make a purchase or take another action (e.g., “attorneys near me or Houston personal injury lawyer”).
  2. Navigational: An individual may be looking for a particular website (e.g., “Attorney Brian White Personal Injury Lawyers”), and the searcher’s goal is to locate it through an internet search engine.
  3. Informational: The user is looking for information to help them learn more about a specific subject (e.g., “do I need a lawyer after a hit and run?”).

URL Structure

URLs are another element that Google considers when ranking and interpreting sites. A page’s Uniform Resource Locator (or URL) describes where it fits in the website’s hierarchy. Search engines use this data to determine how relevant a given page is to a user’s query.

Your law firm’s website should use URL words to reflect your organization’s structure. Ideally, one or more keywords appear in the URL before the search engine even examines the content, implying that your page is a possible choice.

Title Tag

The title tags specify the title of your Website in HTML. When a user searches for a term, many items appear on the search engine results page (SERP). The target keywords for the page should be near the top of the titles, with the company’s entity to the far left of the title tag.

Google bots read from left to right, giving greater significance to the keywords in the title’s beginning.

The title (ranking factor) and the few sentences that follow are the page’s meta description (not a ranking factor, but it helps CTR). Your legal business must have accurate and concise title tags and descriptions to rank higher in Google’s results with legal SEO. The most significant reason titles are so crucial is that if you do not adequately communicate the goal of your material, users will overlook it.

A click-through rate, or CTR, is a significant indicator of Google’s evaluation. It is used for your website’s relevance and material to the searcher. This also dictates your title tags. Your click-through rate (CTR) calculates mainly by dividing how many times visitors click on your site. This is often known through Google presentations with your website.


Integrating Google’s E-A-T (Expertise, Authority, and Trust) reputation has made it a ranking component. This has emphasized the importance of law business entity improvements in SEO for lawyer’s planning. Maintaining direct communication with potential and existing clients via all channels is essential to reputation management.

An excellent response to and resolving issues on Google and Facebook reviews will go a long way toward gaining your target market’s confidence. Thus improving your internet reputation is a must. Being a Better Business Bureau (BBB) accredited Law Firm also enhances your online trust and reputation.

3 — Backlink Factors

seo backlink factors
Backlinks are still important for rankings, but how Google utilizes them has evolved. When examining backlinks to a page, Google considers the following:
  • Backlinks from older domains are more potent than newly registered ones.
  • Number of linking pages
  • The authority of the linked pages – Pages that Google ranks highly are more valuable.
  • High-quality, relevant links from pages that rank nearby on the same results page as yours since they are highly relevant
  • Google sees links from several different domains as more natural.
The three components of a site’s index, the page, and backlinks are ranking criteria for Google. Outside your direct influence but influenced by these criteria are the following major ranking elements:
  • The meta description affects your website’s click-through rate to a certain extent.
  • The number of comments left on your site, bounce rate, and time spent on the page indicate your content’s effectiveness.
  • Backlinks, which result from your site’s valuable material, increase.
Law firms don’t typically rank well on Google for the latest strategies, methods, and buzzwords. It’s all about putting in the effort to produce content that searchers seek, offering a pleasant user experience, and proving to Google that you’re the best result for the query.

Looking to attract new clients to your law firm website? Request your free SEO audit