Site Structure for Lawyers

chapter site structure for lawyers
Site structure is the component of establishing domain authority for your legal firm’s website. The term “site structure” refers to how well organized the pages within your domain name are. Here’s a quick sketch to illustrate the idea of site structure, also known as the overall arrangement of the pages on your SEO for a law firm’s website:
  • It will have low domain authority if your website comprises hundreds of pages with no logical structural organization.
  • You may also boost your domain authority by enhancing your site’s structure and linking to related sites.
  • If you organize your pages based on top-level categories and then link to additional material that supports those categories, your SEO services for lawyers’ websites will have a high level of site structure, which translates into a high domain authority.
  • Consider how your computer organizes files to understand site structure. If you have a cluttered desktop with random files, your machine would be considered unorganized and low-quality (related to a website).
  • However, if your computer’s desktop has a single master folder that opens to well-defined subfolders, and then under each subfolder, you have highly relevant and organized documents, it will be considered highly structured and organized.
  • When Google uses crawls and goes for indexing a website, the crawlers always start at your top-level / root domain (i.e., your homepage URL). From there, it looks for the second tier of folders, which might represent your main navigation bar or links on your homepage. The search engine then looks for all the pages beneath these subfolders.
  • In reality, if you log in to the server where your lawyer SEO website is hosted (through FTP), you’ll notice that your site is arranged similarly to your computer files. Google would consider your computer, website, and directories as your website’s folder and page structure, returning to the desktop analogy.
  • You must put in a great deal of work to create a highly structured website. You cannot just develop a website and expect it to have high authority based on its structure.
  • To begin organizing client websites, utilize a spreadsheet as one of the strategies. Many people start by recording all of the pages on a website in a spreadsheet, then examine the site to see where the next layer of organization will emerge. Practice areas on law firm websites generally represent this.
  • If attorney SEO marketing of your firm handled personal injury, criminal defense, and social security disability litigation, the second layer of structure would combine the essential pages for these practice areas.
  • Finally, we’ll go to the third layer of structure and start putting supporting pages beneath your second lawyer and so on down the line.
The meta tags are best practice in SEO services for lawyers, also known as the image alt tags attribute, tell Google what’s inside an image you have on your website.

Meta image tags have two purposes. First and foremost, they allow Google to understand your photo. Second, and more significantly, they assist individuals with limited eyesight or who are having trouble viewing the picture loading.

Here are some suggestions for putting an effective image tag:
chapter seo for lawyers guide

Chapter 1

SEO For Lawyers

chapter google ranking factors

Chapter 2

Google Ranking Factors

chapter content marketing

Chapter 3

Content Marketing

chapter keyword research

Chapter 4

Keyword Research

chapter on-page seo

Chapter 5

On-page SEO

chapter technical seo

Chapter 6

Technical SEO

chapter link building

Chapter 7

Link Building

chapter site structure

Chapter 8

Site Structure

chapter domain authority 2.0

Chapter 9

Domain Authority 2.0

chapter local seo

Chapter 10

Local SEO

We return to the site once we’ve finished mapping out the legal SEO for the firm’s website on our spreadsheet and start putting in place structures and making it live.

The structural components of your site, particularly the navigation, can significantly impact search engine results for law firm websites. In certain situations, all we did to get our law firm customers into the top spot on Google was to arrange their website in a well-organized manner.

The Legal Organization's Location Authority for SEO

Your law practice’s location authority drives its ability to be discovered in certain geographic areas or metro regions. The two forms of law firm SEO services for your law firm are;

Law Firm And Lawyer Websites

law firm and lawyer websites
Brand authority is the second most crucial law firm SEO component. Brand authority is among the various functions of traffic and exposure to your website and the overall distribution of your brand via channels like social media.

Establishing a solid reputation for excellence is critical to your firm’s long-term success. Brand authority equals how many individuals know your company and recognize it.

The more brand authority you gain, the more doors open for natural growth in backlinks, social media traffic, and distribution for your SEO for lawyers firms across authoritative sites.

Increase the Authority of Your Law Firm's Brand

increase the authority of your law firm's brand
Starting a blog is one of the most effective methods to develop your legal practice’s brand. A law firm’s website may be used to build brand authority in several ways, including
  • Increased traffic to your website
  • Google crawl rates have significantly improved.
  • Your content will be more enjoyable.
  • Increased social media traffic
  • Increased visitors and exposure to your website will help you build your legal firm’s brand.

Blogging for Lawyers and Law Firms

Make sure to look at a few different approaches to blogging for your law firm. You may create general topic articles about your practice areas, how-to articles, and Q & A content.

  • One successful way for clients' legal firm blogs is to cover local news and information. content

Most of our legal practice clients’ consumers come from the metro area where they have offices. As a result, we’ve focused on developing the law firm’s brand in its local market, where most of its clients are.

Covering local news and information has shown to be one of the most effective strategies for our law firm clients to get the most out of their marketing dollars.

Here’s an example of an SEO for attorneys blog using local news and information to its advantage. The aim of growing brand awareness for the legal firm is to get the most traffic and exposure possible.

Since the customer specializes in brain injury claims, we needed to find a means to generate traffic from their markets and brand their law firm’s name with the subject of brain injury.

So we established the blog of the legal firm, intending to release news and information about brain injuries and head injuries caused by someone else’s negligence in Houston. We also publish international communication and research on brain and head injury studies.

  • Content Distribution on Social Media Platforms to Promote Legal Blog

content distribution on social media platforms to promote legal blog
Social media is another critical component in developing your law practice’s brand authority. Gaining increased exposure on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn is crucial for developing a legal firm’s brand and promoting clients to its website.

But, as you no doubt know, producing material to share on social media regularly is complex.

You already know that getting exposure on social media is crucial for your legal practice, but it’s laborious attempting to come up with something new every day.

The way to overcome this difficulty and produce significant results for legal firms is to have all blog posts/news items shared across the law firm’s social media accounts. We already have news and information on their blogs, giving us the material we need to share on their social media accounts. As you can see in the data, I provide above, social media traffic has exploded.

  • Law Firms Compete in Google & Boost Website Traffic

The capacity to generate traffic and exposure to their website is increasingly difficult for today’s law firm digital marketing agency , especially when your top-quality prospects start their search on Google.

The top results in Google used to be dominated by authoritative sites, but now they’re crowded with directory websites like this.

And for the few law firms that manage to appear on page one in Google, hundreds of others fall to the second page and beyond.

As a result, legal businesses are more frequently turning to pay-per-click platforms like Google Adwords to save money. However, they may soon discover that the paid search traffic is even fiercer than organic results.

Make a point of doing something exceptional

make a point of doing something exceptional
To stand out, you must accomplish something significant. Many lawyers lately have been using educational scholarships to promote their services.

A law firm may establish a scholarship program to start a scholarship initiative. These scholarships are then sent to educational organizations interested in acquiring valuable .edu domains.

These websites want to assist students, i.e., their primary audience, so they link back to the scholarship programs and provide authoritative backlinks to the law firm’s website.

This is unquestionably a significant investment in money, but authoritative backlinks have inherent value. It all comes down to balancing your attorney SEO marketing costs and benefits

  • Local Search Results

The search competition is particularly tough for local search results on Google. When you use the term “personal injury lawyers Texas,” only three local search results appear on Google’s first page, which is also true of mobile phones.

  • Increasing website traffic for legal firms

So, what’s an SEO for the lawyer to do? Is there any opportunity for your law firm’s website to receive more traffic and exposure if the organic search results are against you, especially in local search results?

Fortunately, there’s a lot you can do; it just takes some perseverance and consistency over time. In other words, constant effort and patience is the secret to competing in Google search and generating more visitors to your law firm’s website.

Looking to attract new clients to your law firm website? Request your free SEO audit